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Is your driving posture correct?

With increasingly longer commuting times in the UK, Britons spend a considerable amount of time travelling to and from work. With 4 out of 5 people suffering with back and neck pains we are taking a closer look at how you can improve your driving posture.

Choosing the right vehicle
If you are tall, a small car might not work for you as it will simply not give you the space you need to achieve a correct posture.  Most car seats are not designed for correct sitting posture; however adjustments to the seat and steering wheel allow you to adjust your position, reducing back and neck problems.

Your seat should be set back to around 100 degrees, as this will reduce pressure on your shoulder discs. Your headrest should be adjusted until it meets the back of your head and mirrors should also be adjusted so you have an excellent view through your rear window without having to wrangle yourself in all sorts of positions.

You should also position your seat so you can reach the steering wheel slightly bent at an angle of 120 degrees whilst driving. Keep both hands on the wheel making sure that you have the 9 and 3 o’ clock position, giving you the best leverage on the wheel.

And probably needless to say having frequent breaks at least every two hours or so will also prevent back and neck aches, making sure to stretch whilst you have a break.

Speak to our friendly advisers today about which car would suit you